Sisu Solutions has successfully guided Foodservice and Retail food and beverage manufacturers to build profitable businesses in Alternate Channels


noun/adverb; pronounced [see-suu]

A Finnish word in origin which describes a person’s exemplary fortitude and perseverance through all headwinds to achieve the ultimate goal. The spirit of Sisu is to have fortitude and persevere regardless of the conditions and achieving our goals.

This is our mantra and spirit that we instil in working with every client and customer!

Sisu Solutions Story

About Sisu Solutions

With 20+ years of experience in Foodservice and 15 years developing Alternate Channels, Sisu Solutions can help Foodservice manufacturers build business in Alternate Channels where Foodservice products have had solid results. Whether it be in Retail Foodservice (Home Meal Replacement, Instore Bakery, Gas & Convenience), or B2B with food manufacturers,  Sisu Solutions can help you further develop or begin growing in new channels and segments based on your company’s core capabilities and objectives.


Alternate Channels

Sisu Solutions has identified channels and markets where Foodservice manufacturers and Retail manufacturers’ products have profitability flourished. These include Retail Foodservice (which includes Home Meal Replacement, In Store Bakery and Gas & Convenience), Speciality Retail (M&M Markets, Whole Foods), Club/Cash & Carry including substantial experience with Costco and B2B (selling an ingredient or finished food item to another manufacturer to make a finished product).  Read on to learn more about B2B and Triangle Partnerships.

Growth in Alternate Channels

Retailers and food manufacturers (B2B) eagerly seek foodservice products and companies for a couple of reasons.

1. Quality of a Foodservice product – used in restaurants therefore of a high standard.

2. Need the expertise of Foodservice manufacturers business development teams to help them build a “Foodservice” style business in their retail stores as their #1 competitor is the foodservice QSR and Casual Dining segment consumers!

Gap Analysis and Planning

Sisu Solutions provides a 5 Steps to Growing Food and Beverage Businesses process to explore and assess the market for growth within Alternate Channels and segments.

Contact Sisu Solutions today to collaborate and develop a plan to further build your Foodservice business!


Browse through the client gallery to see the possibilities of where your company can grow with Sisu Solutions.
